
Draw better, faster.

Do you love drawing, but your drawings look the same or worse than they did 3 months ago? Does learning how to draw feel too complex to you?

You are not alone - I felt the same when I started out.

Most drawing content online is overwhelming, focuses on subjects in isolation and doesn’t teach you how to learn on your own. 

The result: A lot of time wasted, when you could be making consistent progress, creating more beautiful & technically proficient drawings, week by week, month by month.

Luckily, there’s an alternative path!

How to consistently get better at drawing.

I’m Felix, and I love to draw, but it took me many years to get good at it (check my story here). I read over a hundred books, attended different seminars, and through that figured out how to consistently get better at drawing. 

And it’s not  a passion of the past. I’m still practicing and got big plans for improving my drawing skills in 2024 and beyond.

In my experience, there are 4 Keys to get better at drawing consistently that most beginners miss:


4 Keys to improve at drawing.

  • 1. Focus on Fundamentals

    Getting a solid understanding of all (not just some) drawing fundamentals is critical for long-term progress. Missing even one is like refusing to learn the past tense when learning a foreign language. You’ll hit a wall at some point in what you can express.

  • 2. Multi-Sensory Approach

    You need to practice seeing, thinking, hand-eye coordination (mark making), and material mastery, not just one of them. I call this a “Multi-Sensory Approach”. Most drawing beginners miss one or more of these, limiting their progress for years.

  • 3. Drawing from Life, Photos & Masters

    Drawing from life, photos and from master paintings (and imagination depending on your goal) is key. Each one teaches you invaluable lessons that make you better at the others. If you miss one, you miss out on progress.

  • 4. Education

    Invest in your drawing education. Books, courses, coaching… the more perspectives you can get by a range of great teachers, the better. Seek out those that draw like you want to draw and learn from them.

What you can expect.

The Blog

Find in-depth and image-rich drawing guides. Inspired by the Andrew Loomis drawing books, the blog aspires to revive quality in-depth writing on drawing. More coming!

The Email Newsletter

It’s where I analyze my own drawing studies, evaluate my skillset and show you how I practice and make progress. Actionable emails on niche topics for drawing nerds.

Online Drawing Courses

For those that want to dive deeper, video courses are coming soon. Sign up for the newsletter if you want to stay in the loop.
