My Drawing Journey

Hey there,

I’m Felix and love drawing. Glad to have you on the site!
I’ve been drawing on and off throughout my childhood, taking some life drawing classes here and there, reading a few books, but only really started to make progress in my twenties. 

During Corona, working long hours at the computer, I craved picking up a non-digital hobby. Something using my hands, with real materials. And that’s how somehow drawing came back into my life, and gave me the balance I needed. 

It took up more and more space in my mind, I got hooked again, and decided to make a proper effort to get good at it. 

Here are some of my drawings from over the years. Its a mix of drawing from life, photos and master studies:

I didn’t study at a well-known art school (I studied philosophy and worked in start-ups).
Most of my improvement came from reading over a hundred books on drawing, taking online courses, and attending seminars of my favorite teachers when I could.

Here are some pics of me at in-person seminars:


I’m thankful for what I learned from my teachers, and continue to get coached myself, both online and offline.

In-person coaching is excellent, and I can only recommend you seek it when possible. 

Yet, I realized there is one BIG upside from being mostly self-taught:

You become a self-reliant learner, that takes responsibility for your own results.

Making that mindset shift is critical to consistently improve your drawing skills. 

And that’s what this site is about! 

Giving you the tools, strategies and techniques you need to take charge of your drawing progress.

Where To Start

First, I recommend reading the drawing fundamentals and drawing practice guides.

They address the two biggest lessons I wish I applied sooner:

  1. Practicing all drawing fundamentals at least once

  2. Taking a Multi-Sensory Approach to drawing 

To go a step deeper, join my email newsletter.

I review my own drawings and skillset there, show you how I practice and improve, and share niche content you won’t find on the blog.

Lastly, there are video courses coming soon. Again, join the list and you’ll be the first to know about the launch.

Thanks for being a valued reader!